Party Planning List

Welcome to Party Planning List. Planning a party can be a stressful event. I have been planning all types of parties for over 20 years and have developed a system for eliminating most stress related issues when it comes to planning a party. Within this blog you will discover many of the tricks I use in achieving this along with how to plan the perfect party. Below you will find many articles I have written on the subject. Feel free to browse at your leisure and remember what is mine is yours. All the info here is free. Enjoy!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Wedding Party Planning-Choosing the Big Day

Love is in the air and it seems to light up every room within the house. The engagement is moving forward and for good reason. The loving pair are obviously a match made in heaven and the time has come to set a date. After scouring the calendar for a day fitting their love and still without an agreement the pair shouldn't despair because there are ways of making the choice easier. All you must do is sit down, take a deep breath and read the facts about wedding party planning and you will discover to your amazement that choosing a date for your wedding isn't really that difficult after all.

Don't prolong your engagement because of not being able to make a date. It all comes down to your love. The wedding is an important symbol of your love and it will be the ultimate crowning achievement. There are many aspects in wedding party planning and planning a wedding in general. To make the jump into this realm of wedding planning the couple must choose. Does your love need a special date on the calendar to signify the love you must feel for each other or is it an excuse? This is an important question that must be asked before continuing.

Is this person the one you wish to share the rest of your life with? If so, why the continual indecision? Does the day really matter? Do you want sunshine, rain or snow? Does it really matter? Should it? The pair of you will love each other no matter the circumstances and the weather should not play a role. So forget about the calendar for a moment and consider this. Do you really want to get married, and if so how much time do you need to prepare for the special day? Do you plan on a big wedding or small? Would you prefer to have it outdoors or inside a church or another special place? If you would prefer an outdoor wedding, plan on late spring or summer. If indoors it really shouldn't matter.

The main reason you decided to get engaged in the first place was because you love each other. The only days on the calendar that should be avoided are holidays and birthdays, everything else is fair game. The wedding bells are ringing, why deny it.

Now that you have the reasoning for not prolonging the engagement it is time to really think about choosing the day. There is no reason not to. There is plenty of love and sexual stirrings in the air to take the final step in your relationship. So why not choose. You know the weather can't be controlled and if it rains, so be it, you will have a tarp to keep you dry. This is the time to sit down with your significant other and tell them you really want to get married and that the date isn't the important thing, but your love for each other.

Once the big day has been decided you can finally begin the all important wedding party planning. This can get hectic, but don't despair it'll all be worth it once you're married. There is plenty of information available online, and you will have a lot less trouble finding it then you did in choosing the big day.

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